Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting Started – Step 1 Define Your Business Need

Let me begin by introducing myself, I’m Tom Perez and l am a Senior Business Manager with B2B Portraits.
Over the next few weeks, I will discuss the process B2B Portraits uses to create a customized program for our clients. We have used this straightforward formula for everyone from start-up companies to Fortune 500 corporations.
First, the part that makes everyone nervous – getting started. You understand the importance of using professional portraits in your business and it’s time to get everyone else in your organization on board. It’s not a simple task to launch a new program, regardless of your company’s size and the larger the organization, the more people and departments that need to be involved. This can include marketing, legal, human resources, IT and finance in addition to your company’s marketing/advertising agency. You have to navigate your company’s silos without stepping on toes or creating additional effort for everyone-no easy task.
Now the good news, we can help. We help you identify the groups involved, learn their specific requirements by interviewing key stakeholders. Then, utilizing a team of experts in photography, business and marketing to evaluate your immediate and long-term goals we develop a business portrait strategy.
But that’s Step 2…

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